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Complutense University Madrid

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Complutense University Madrid Guide

Established in 1293, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, or UCM for short, is one of the most ancient universities in the world and, in Spain, arguably the most prestigious. It originated in the nearby city of Alcalá de Henares (Latin name: Complutum, hence the Spanish name: Complutense). It offers undergraduate, master’s, and PhD programmes as well as Spanish courses, summer schools, and several courses aimed at professional development and lifelong learning. It is spread over several campuses – all with excellent connections to the city centre – such as the Ciudad Universitaria campus in Moncloa and the Somosaguas campus in Pozuelo de Alarcón, as well as several buildings in the centre of Madrid.

  • Number of Faculties: 26
  • Numbers of students: 78117
  • Languages Taught: Spanish and English

What students like the most

Well-connected, fairly central campuses; the culture and nightlife of a world-class capital like Madrid; the international atmosphere; and the opportunity to improve their Spanish.

What students don´t like

Due to a lack of student housing on campus, most students select accommodation off campus which can be nerve wrecking for those who don not speak Spanish.

What we like the most

  • International prestige. The chance to study in a major capital city like Madrid. Diverse range of courses. Tuition and living costs are lower than in the USA and the UK.

Things to keep in mind

  • Some courses have a very high percentage of Erasmus students, something to consider if you're looking to improve your Spanish. Try choosing courses popular with Spanish students.

Facilities & Activities

  • Extensive indoor and outdoor sports facilities, including football and rugby fields, and a swimming pool. You can also join sports clubs and access fitness facilities. UCM places a high value on culture. It has a museums, theatre groups, music bands, and literary events. The International Welcome Centre is on hand to help foreign students.